We're still in it!!! - Sax's Blog

9 August 2013

Last weekend produced a draw at Wantage Road. Unfortunately after a good start batting first, Hamish Marshall making 145, we collapsed from 330 for 4 to 358 all out. Northants then batted for most of Saturday and Sunday, racking up a total of 567 for 4 declared. Not a nice couple of days for the bowlers. They inserted us back in just before the close of play on day three but another great opening partnership from in-form Chris Dent (129 no) and captain Michael Klinger (78) ensured that stumps were pulled at 5pm on Monday (day 4). Neither side were able to get on top on what proved to be a relatively batsman friendly wicket. The draw means we still lie in 3rd place, 27 points behind promotion but, with 5 games left in the LV County Championship, a couple of wins and if results around us fall kindly, there is no reason why we cannot still set our sights on division one next year.

I spent last weekend back on the family farm, which is just North of Newark (Nottinghamshire). I was trying to convince my girlfriend, who is a self-confessed townie, that farming is a perfect life. It didn’t work. I did however find myself having a good look around and found a couple of new tractors that have arrived since I was last home. I do have to confess I did have a quick play and Yes, I am a big kid! We have gone from a couple of small Massey Fergusons a few years back to a whole fleet of 4-wheeled drive monsters. Some have a flight of stairs to get into. The cows must be producing plenty of milk...

I eased my way back into the gym on Monday after the weekend at home where I was constantly being fed by my mother. She still hasn’t come to terms with my professional sportsman’s diet; cream this, chocolate that. I wasn’t complaining though. After the gym it was back into the commercial office brainstorming ideas for the arrival of the new Bristol Pavilion. The second team were meant to be at Lansdown Cricket Club against Hampshire for a one day game but overnight rain caused the match to be abandoned without a ball being bowled.

Rain tormented the second team again on Tuesday, again they were meant to be at Lansdown against Hampshire, this time in a 3 day fixture. It was a complete washout and no play was possible bringing a close to day 1. I started my day in the gym again and then made my way to see Steve Griffin (physio) who was back from Northamptonshire. My shoulder is coming along nicely but needs the aid of some electrical stimulation to get the dormant muscles (caused by 4 weeks in a sling) working again so I was plugged into a clever little machine called a Compex. It basically provides an electrical current to zap the muscle tissues back into life. I’m turning into the Bionic Man!! The lads who had returned from Northants were given a well-deserved day off. Most went for a round of golf.

I was lucky enough to have a look around the new pavilion on Wednesday. I had to dress appropriately with all the relevant safety gear: high visibility jacket, safety boots, safety specs and protective gloves. I think I could pass as a builder. It does look fantastic in there and is really something that everyone involved with Gloucestershire Cricket can be proud of. When up and running the facility will match and better anything that is currently in Bristol. It will be a fantastic place to watch cricket and I cannot wait to be playing out in-front of it next year. The second XI got underway against Hampshire in what became a two day game, they started at 11 o’clock as scheduled and managed to play a full day of cricket.

Yesterday my computer decided to have a day off. For some reason it decided to delete my profile and I spent most of the day trying to recover all of my documents. It just shows how reliant we have become on technology, I could literally do nothing and was reduced to mad panic hoping that not all was lost. It wasn’t and after about 3 hours of fiddling about, aimlessly clicking buttons (probably why it crashed in the first place) I had my life back in front of me. The second team comfortably won their game against Hampshire, the game finished just after tea. Hampshire were set 300 odd to chase in about 70 overs but a good bowling performance ensured the win and an early return home.

Today the lads have been in finalising preparations for Somerset on Sunday. A squad meeting followed by a couple of hours in the nets and some fielding. A win this weekend would put us in a great position in the YB40 competition. We still have 5 games left so need to keep putting in good performances. Hopefully we can string up a couple of W’s. My working week is coming to a close so I’m completing a few tasks before 5pm gets here. I’m off for a curry with some of the lads later and might pop to Ashdown Court for the Balloon Fiesta’s ‘Night Glow’ tomorrow. Let the weekend begin.

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