Successful Operations for Jack And Will

30 October 2013

Jack Taylor (pictured) and Will Gidman have both undergone surgery with a view to be fully fit for the start next season.

In both cases the operations have been a success and the two players are on the road to what it is hoped will be speedy recoveries.

Jack required surgery on a shoulder, while Will went into hospital to have a bone spur removed from his left ankle.

Neither is expected to be out of action for long and when Jack is fit he will continue working on technical adjustments to his bowling action, having been suspended last May after twice being reported for it being illegal.

Gloucestershire Director of Cricket John Bracewell believes it will not be long before the off-spinner can go to Loughborough University to have his action tested by the ECB, with a view to returning to the team next summer.

Will also faces an important winter, having been plagued by ankle trouble last season, and hopes to be fit for selection in all forms of cricket in 2014.

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