Sponsors' Breakfast 2019

9 April 2019

Players and sponsors gathered in The Bristol Pavilion on Tuesday morning for the annual sponsors’ breakfast.

The breakfast, which took place in the Grace Room that overlooks the field, gave the players an opportunity to catch up with old sponsors and partners and get acquainted with new ones.

GCCC CEO Will Brown opened proceedings with an address to all partners and sponsors, sharing his excitement for the year ahead and thanking them for coming to the event.

Fun and entertainment was provided in the form of a quiz involving the players’ quick-fire Q&A’s and a raffle with some fantastic prizes.

Among the prizes were crates of Gem and Sulis English Lager supplied by Bath Ales, our official beer partner. The Bristol Pavilion donated a complimentary meeting room with all day tea and coffee and there was also two tickets to The Grand Social for the Gloucestershire vs Australia A game on July 2nd.

The headline prize in the raffle was a 2019 County Championship shirt signed by all the players and framed by another one of our partners, Splash Gallery. Nick Boulton of Channel Communication was the lucky winner of the shirt.

After breakfast, our sponsors had the chance to have their photograph taken with the team and with their sponsored player.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support and for making Sponsors' Breakfast such a successful event. We look forward to seeing you throughout the Summer.

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