Shoulder Operation For Jack Taylor

1 October 2013

Jack Taylor is to undergo shoulder surgery before having his bowling action tested in an effort to return to first class cricket next season.

The off-spinner was suspended last May, having had his action reported as illegal on two separate occasions, and has since been working on technical adjustments that will satisfy the England and Wales Cricket Board.

Both Jack and Director of Cricket John Bracewell were happy with his progress until he suffered an injury in practice.

John told this website: “Jack is having an operation on his left shoulder to have some ligaments tightened up. He won’t be out of action for long and will then return to bowling.

“After that we will get his action tested as quickly as we possibly can. I think he was ready to pass the test before he dislocated his shoulder while fielding in the warm-up for a second XI game.

“He will have to go up to Loughborough University to be examined by the 3D testing system the ECB employ in such cases and we are hopeful all will be well.”

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