Preparing the team for 2015 season - Fitness Coach Chris Bodman

9 February 2015

Chris Bodman has been working for Gloucestershire Cricket for over 10 years as the strength and conditioning coach. He is responsible for the delivery and development of training for both the Professional and Academy squads.

Pre-season began back in October and now following on from the Christmas break, Chris has given us an insight into what is happening behind the scenes at the Bristol County Ground in preparation for the season ahead.

Following the Christmas break how is pre-season training going?

The Christmas break was needed. The lads had worked very hard since starting back in November. Everyone reported back in good health and really hit the ground running. The emphasis isn’t a great deal different at this stage. They are now in the third phase of a strength programme and continuing to build up capacity on the track.

How will the new marquee be used by the team? photo 3

The plan is to use it from mid-February to allow the Pros to train on grass. As it is the first time we have had this, it will very much be directed by the Ground Staff in order to maximise its potential.

How long will they be using the marquee and what are the benefits?

The plan is to have it available for approximately four weeks. There are scheduled sessions to allow for meaningful practice, but also scheduled time for the Ground Staff to maintain the quality of the net surfaces. The obvious benefit for the lads is to be outside far earlier than normal – conditions will be more relevant and the bowlers will be able to go off their full runs.

Are most of the team back at the Bristol County Ground now?

There are currently 11 players here with a further 9 who are in various overseas destinations. It is intended that everyone (excluding Michael) will be back from 2 March. For those that are overseas, communication has been excellent. This has allowed us to monitor these guys closely to ensure they get the best from their experience, but also that they return in good health.

What is the mood like around the camp ahead of the new season?

The lads are refreshed after their Christmas break and the countdown has already started for the first day of the 2015 campaign. As a group, they really do embrace all that is thrown at them and this mind-set will no doubt stand them in good stead for the upcoming season.

We have heard so much about the famous ‘Bodman track sessions’! Can you give us an insight into what these are and why the players dread them so much?

They are not as bad as the lads make out! The distances they run are individual to them so, come the end of the session, they are all at an equal level of fatigue. It doesn’t help that the Filton track seems to have its own weather system and this often produces all four seasons in one session! As much as they may say they dread them, they all put in maximum effort and really make the most of our time there.

And finally, you were recently involved in the ECB Coach Education Programme, how did it feel speaking to hundreds of other coaches and what did you hope they would take away from your talk?

I am responsible for delivering the Strength & Conditioning content within the ECB’s Coach Education Programme, and as a part of that I presented at the ECB Coaches Association National Conference. I really enjoy this change from my day to day job. It is a great opportunity to get a consistent message across but, more importantly, to meet and converse with future coaches. I try and be as applied as I can and so any information that delegates can take away and immediately make an impact with is my priority.

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