Pre-season preparations boosted by training marquee

28 February 2017

It may look like a wedding venue but the marquee at the Brightside Ground, Bristol, could be the secret weapon that helps Gloucestershire hit the ground running in 2017.

It is the third year the team have used the purpose-built marquee, which will be in place throughout March.  The 45m x 18m tent facility allows the team to practice on grass a month earlier than they would normally be able to.

The squad have been using the marquee for the first time this week and it will certainly help in preparation for the 2017 season which begins in April.

Ahead of the first match of the season, the team will face Durham MCCU at The Brightside Ground, Bristol Tuesday 28 March.

Click here to view the 2017 pre-season fixtures

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Craig Miles said it has provided a real boost to their pre-season training.

Miles said “Having the outdoor marquee benefits the batters as they get more of a feel for the outdoor conditions and wicket. For the bowlers, we get a better feel for longer run ups which is beneficial as the season draws closer.”

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