Notice of Tower Crane Removal

4 April 2014

Tower Crane Removal

The remaining tower crane is scheduled to be removed from the County Ground, Bristol on Saturday 5 April 2014.  During part of the day the crane jib will be placed on the college car park and dismantled.  This may prevent access at College Mews for circa 1 hour.

Galliford Try would like to park articulated lorries on the college car park and have asked CBC for permission.  If the weather prevents the works proceeding as planned, they have a provisional booking for 12April 2014, which they would confirm on 7April 2014.

Storm Water Drainage Connection

Work on the GCCC storm water drainage connection will take place from 7April 2014 for two weeks while the school and college are on holiday.   The road will be reduced to single lane traffic with give way at the corner junction.

Gloucestershire County Cricket Club and Galliford Try would like to thank those residents that may be affected by the above for their co-operation during the above-mentioned works.

For further information, please contact:

Jon Young

Project Director


Tel: 0117 912 5600

Mob: 07435 763774

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