KCC Cleaning Services extend sponsorship

10 May 2016

KCC Cleaning will appear on the back of Gloucestershire Cricket’s County Championship shirt as part of the club’s ongoing partnership with the Bristol-based firm.

Its sister company L&M Services (South West) has also been confirmed as the sponsor of Gloucestershire’s Academy.

The new deals continue to strengthen a relationship between KCC and Gloucestershire Cricket that has existed for more than nine years.

KCC Managing Director Kevin Cooper said: “From a business perspective and as a fan it is great to be able to build on our involvement with the club.

“From our first involvement nine years ago we found the club personable and easy to deal with and these are values that our hugely important to us as a business.”

KCC - who have been a sponsor for six years – also hold the cleaning contract at the Brightside Ground, Bristol.

L & M have sponsored the Academy for the last three years and Kevin says it has been a source of great pride to see the club continue its fantastic record of producing players that go on to play in the first team.

The squad currently features 10 players who have graduated from the Academy, including four – Chris Dent, Jack Taylor, Craig Miles and David Payne - who played in last year’s Royal London One-Day Cup winning side.

Kevin said: “It is great to see the young lads pushing through into the 2nd and 1st team and know we have played a small part in it.

“We look forward to coming down and watching the boys in action this summer.”

Gloucestershire Cricket chief executive Will Brown added: “We are really pleased to continue to strengthen our partnership with KCC and L & M.

“Like us they are a Bristol-based firm built on providing outstanding customer satisfaction and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them.”

For more information on KCC Cleaning click here.

To find out about L & M Letting click here.

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