Hamish Busy Preparing For Benefit Year

30 September 2014

Hamish Marshall is looking forward to his benefit season with Gloucestershire next year and intends to make it one to remember on and off the field.

The popular batsman has had his years of service to the club recognised with the granting of a testimonial and is already busy planning ahead.

He told this website: “Next year will be a busy one for me, but I am really looking forward to it. The club have been very generous in awarding me a benefit and I hope a lot of people get lots of enjoyment out of the various events.

I have been getting a committee together, with some good people on board, and plans are being put in place for a variety of functions around the county.

A few matches against local clubs would be nice and I want to make sure there is something for all ages, including children. There will be some dinners and hopefully I will be getting a few of my team-mates involved.

It will be a case of trying to find spaces when our playing schedule is announced for next season.”

At the age of 35, Hamish is approaching his final years as a player, but does not view the benefit season as a finale.

“I’m not at the end of my career yet, although that is obviously coming closer,” he said. “I aim to continue playing for as long as possible and believe I have a few more years in me, hopefully with Gloucestershire.

The club has been a huge part of my cricketing life. They gave me an opportunity ten years ago and since then I have come to love the club and the area.

There are good people here and I have always felt welcome because they are so friendly. I’ve started a family here and we have made some very good friends.”

Hamish will be looking back on his career with Gloucestershire in two special articles for this website in the coming weeks.

Click here to keep up to date with all Hamish’s benefit news and events

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