Graveney and Cook sign for Gloucestershire

3 April 2013

Graveney & Cook join the Board of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club

Gloucestershire County Cricket Club is delighted to announce that David Graveney OBE and Charles Cook have been appointed to the Club’s Executive Board with immediate effect.

Both high profile Bristolians, David is a leading figure in English cricket having played for Gloucestershire, Somerset and Durham.  David first joined the Gloucestershire squad in 1972 and was officially appointed as Captain for the start of the 1982 season, a position he held until the end of the 1988 season.  David is currently the ECB`s National Performance Manager and President of the PCA`s Benevolent Fund.  He is a former Chairman of England selectors and Chief Executive of the Professional Cricketers’ Association.

Charles is a prominent corporate, media and sports lawyer in the city and is the Managing Partner of boutique corporate, property and private client firm, Cook & Co Solicitors.  Charles also sits on the board of several high profile businesses in the city and has many connections in the sports sector.

Founded in 1870, Gloucestershire County Cricket Club is currently undergoing an impressive £6.0m redevelopment of its ground and pavilion in Bristol which will be operational later this year.

Commenting on his appointment, David Graveney, said: “I am honoured to have been invited to sit on the Board and look forward to making a meaningful contribution, particularly on cricketing matters.  I know I speak for my father (JKR Graveney) and uncle (TW Graveney OBE) when saying that I am delighted that our family`s long association with Gloucestershire Cricket will continue.”

“This is a very exciting time for the Club.” Commented Charles Cook “The development of the ground will ensure that First Class Cricket, with impressive facilities, will keep being delivered to the people of Bristol and Gloucestershire.”

Rex Body, Chairman of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club, added:  "I was very pleased when both David and Charles agreed to join the Executive Board.  As co-optees, they will bring valuable experience and expertise in their respective fields.  David will fill the vacancy created by Jack Russell - who is standing down because of his current business commitments (although he will still help and support us where he can).  Charles fills a long-standing gap in our Board expertise and both are joining at a very exhilarating time as we look forward to further successful progress for this great Club."

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