Gloucestershire Cricket Lovers’ Society - Cricket talks Oct 2018 to April 2019
30 August 2018
The talks take place on the second Monday of each month between October and April, with the evenings getting underway at 7.30 pm. There is an interval, during which the bar is open and a raffle is held. The second half of the evening usually takes the format of a Q & A. Meetings usually finish at 9.30 pm.
Membership is just £20.00 for 7 meetings + a 'one off' Joining Fee of £2.00.
Speakers lined up for the forthcoming season include:
Winston Davis (West Indies) and Greg Thomas (England)
Alan Wilkins - Gloucestershire and Glamorgan
James Graham Brown - Kent & Derbyshire. Also, writer
of the Colin Milburn play 'When the eye has gone'
Chris Lewis - England, Notts, Surrey and Leics
Charl Willoughby - South Africa, Leics, Somerset and Essex
John Holder - England, Hampshire and former Test Umpire
Gloucestershire Players Forum
For further details contact Dave Mclauchlan (Chairman) on 07969 294736
Application Forms can be obtained from the GCCC Club Office or by emailing David Oates, Programme/Membership Secretary at