Gloucestershire Cricket Announces 2012 Results

8 April 2013

Gloucestershire County Cricket Club is pleased to announce its results for the year ended 31 January 2013.

Click here to download the financial results.

In the year to 31 January 2013 the club made a record surplus of £2.9m.  The majority (£2.8m) of this was an exceptional surplus resulting from the lease of part of the County Ground in Bristol to Linden Homes. Nevertheless, the club made a trading surplus of £108k, its best result since 2007.

In May 2012 the club obtained clearance for the redevelopment of the County Ground and work continues apace with the new, enlarged pavilion due to open at the end of July 2013. The works under way, together with new seating planned for this winter, will allow the club to maintain its international status, including a promised England v India ODI in 2014.

The club was unsurprisingly affected by the poor weather in 2012 with gate income and membership both reduced, by £57k and £30k respectively, compared to the previous year. The club also did not have an international which in 2012 brought in a net £175k. Conversely, a one-off sum of £200k was received from the England & Wales Cricket Board, the club received £20k as its share of income from the t20 quarter final at Hove and the club’s gym income grew by a further £44k.

Outgoing Chairman, Rex Body, commented “This has been an exceptional year for the club, with the start of our long awaited development and the financial impact this has had. We are reporting a record surplus of £2.9m for the year.  Stripping out the surplus on the lease to Linden we made an operating surplus of £108k, our best performance since 2007 despite the effect of the dreadful weather.

There is still more to do, however.  We are committed to substantial continued development spend as well as increased playing squad expenditure so we will continue to exercise financial prudence. Nevertheless, these results augur well for the future.

My thanks go to everyone who has contributed to the finances of the club over the past year.”

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