GCCC Museum and Learning Centre

2 July 2013

From the Past for the Future

Development of the new museum is being led by the GCCC Heritage Committee, which has already started the tasks of raising the necessary funds and planning and developing the displays and resources. The committee comprises Rex Body (Chairman), Roger Gibbons (Archivist), Wendy Body (Secretary) and Sarah Blowen (Treasurer).

The new GCCC Museum and Learning Centre will be on the ground floor of one of the new apartment blocks at the County Ground. Until then, a selection of items from the existing museum and archive collection is on display in the Hammond Bar.

One project we would like to get underway soon is “Members’ Memories”. Do you have any of those “I’ll never forget when …” stories and memories? We’d like to invite you to share your GCCC reminiscences of any particular time, occasion or achievement. For example, what was it like to witness great players? Visit the Cheltenham Festival or the Bristol County Ground for the first time or as a child? What made you laugh? Which match provided the greatest cricketing moments? It is the detail of other members’ stories and reminiscences that is so fascinating and something that we very much want to preserve and share as part of our heritage. Please send your contributions to: Rex Body, GCCC Heritage Committee, Bristol County Ground, Nevil Road, Bristol, BS7 9EJ or drop them into Reception. Don’t forget to include your name, phone number and e-mail or home address so that we can contact you.

We are excited by the prospect and potential of the Club’s new museum and we hope that you will be too.

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