GCCC Heritage Trust Update

25 February 2015

It is now some time since I gave you a situation report on progress towards the establishment of the proposed Gloucestershire Cricket Museum and Learning Centre.

The last year has been one of much hard work and many meetings for the Trustees but with mixed results. We made significant and necessary advances in some areas – much needed for seeking funding where the search is ongoing. So to recap and summarize the past year:

  • As you know, the Club has agreed to the museum and learning centre being sited in the Linden Homes Sales Office once it was vacated. Because the apartments were sold so very quickly, this drastically reduced the planning and fund raising timescale we had given ourselves by about two years.
  • An application to the Heritage Lottery Fund was planned to raise the major part of the money we needed. A pre-application enquiry was submitted to HLF resulting in several discussions and meetings with HLF personnel – which eventually proved most disappointing. Their advice on how to proceed basically involved a probable 3 or 4 years process with little likelihood of success because of the great competition in the South West. Clearly we felt we should not take this route. We continue to seek major funding elsewhere.
  • We are now a registered charity - GCCC Heritage Trust, Registered Charity number 1157441and the 4 trustees are myself, Wendy Body, Roger Gibbons and Sarah Blowen. We have Angela Greenwood as an additional committee member.
  • Having become a registered charity, some months ago we submitted our application to HMRC to enable us to claim gift aid – crucial for our fund raising. We have only just heard that the application has been approved.
  • We have never anticipated raising substantial funds from the Friends of the museum because it would be unrealistic and unfair to do so. Nevertheless, we now have 101 Friends who have made donations – some in excess of the £10 for 1 year and £30 for 3 years. Congratulations by the way to Stephen Chalke who was the 100th Friend and to Michael Hill who won the Angela Harris watercolour draw for those donating more than £50. Friends who donate £500 or more become Patrons. We currently have 3 of these with 2 more committed.
  • We would be very grateful to receive donations from those whose memberships are due for renewal and equally delighted to receive contributions from new friends. (Cheques should be made payable to GCCC Heritage Trust and sent or delivered to Rex Body, Heritage Trust Chairman c/o the Club.)
  • Finally, 23rd October 2015 sees the centenary of W G Grace’s death so watch this space!

The trustees remain determined and committed to setting up a new museum and learning centre and we thank you for your support.

Rex Body

Chairman GCCC Heritage Trust

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