Gatting praises GCB

24 January 2013

Gatting praises GCB achieving Investors in People Standard

Former England captain Mike Gatting has congratulated the GCB on achieving the Investors in People Standard for staff development and training.

The Board is the first organisation of its type to be awarded the mark, which is given to businesses who go the extra mile to look after their employees.

Mike, who is now managing director of cricket partnerships at the ECB said: “Being awarded the Investors In People mark is a fantastic achievement for the GCB. As the first county board to achieve this, it has set the standard for the way our boards and clubs support their staff and I hope others will follow in its footsteps”

The GCB currently has seven full-time employees and more than 50 part-time and casual workers ranging from coaches to tutors and administrative staff. During the accreditation process Investors In People specialist Dave Peglar highlighted a number of strengths including a committed approach to staff development, use of external coaches and clear aims, values and strategic goals.

Mike said: “Employing a mixture of full, part-time and freelance staff across a variety of areas, our boards face a challenge to integrate and motivate their workforce and it is particularly pleasing to see the GCB being singled out for its leadership, teamwork and  a shared commitment to achieving its goals”

 “Over the last few years the GCB has gone from strength to strength and has led the way on a number of different projects and it is great to see them continuing to do so. They can feel rightly proud of what has been achieved.”

Since its inception in the late 1980s more than 22,000 businesses in the UK have received the Investors In People Standard. The accreditation is awarded to well-run organisations which demonstrate good management practice with a high emphasis on developing and supporting their staff. The standard also encourages growth, profitability and efficiency.

For more information, contact:

Luke Sellers, Communications Officer at Gloucestershire Cricket Board or 07584705646

About the Gloucestershire Cricket Board
The Gloucestershire Cricket Board is the governing body for cricket in Gloucestershire and the local delivery arm of England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). Gloucestershire Cricket Board works with clubs, schools and community groups to improve and increase cricket provision and competitive opportunities in Gloucestershire. It provides training and guidance in a range of areas including coach education; groundsmanship; and umpiring and scoring. Gloucestershire Cricket Board also runs high performance cricket in the county for both male and female cricketers.

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