Fond Farewell To 'Fine Example' Tom

31 August 2013

Players, staff and friends of departing Gloucestershire chief executive Tom Richardson gathered in the Premier Club of the new Bristol Pavilion last night to mark his final day in the job.

Tom is leaving after 12 years with the club and it was appropriate that the function was held in the fantastic new facility he did so much to ensure was built.

Paying tribute to him, club president John Light said: "In life we need heroes, but we also need examples. Tom has set a fine example in his life and his work during his time with Gloucestershire."

Tom himself said: "I want to thank everyone who has made the job such a pleasure to do, from the players. coaches and administrative staff to the many voluntary workers, who do so much for the club.

"It is appropriate that those involved in the project to build the new pavilion are here and I will be meeting up with them again at a later date.

"I am going to miss so much about working for Gloucestershire. It has been a privilege to be chief executive for so many years."

A light hearted moment was struck on the evening when midway through Tom's speech some loud music started blaring out.

"My first thought was that I was going on too long and someone wanted to stop me," laughed Tom. "Then I waited in vain for the dancing girls to come on!"

Tom's successor Will Brown starts work at the County Ground on Monday.

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