ECB High Performance Review published - Read recommendations in full

22 September 2022

Dear Members and supporters,

The ECB has today made public a series of recommendations to accompany the detail of Sir Andrew Strauss’s High Performance Review. We want to take this opportunity to make this immediately available to our Members who we know are extremely interested in the issues in question.

The High Performance Review was discussed at length at our recent Members Meeting. It will also be discussed at length at next week’s board meeting (Thursday 29 September). I would like to reiterate what I said at our gathering last Monday; we have not seen any financial costings that sit behind these recommendations and no board of directors can make an informed decision without understanding the underlying financial impact(s) that would arise from voting for such changes.

Members rightly want to know the next steps in this process and, as promised, we do intend to hold another meeting for Members as part of our consultation. The timeline of this process is not known yet because the date for the next meeting of First-Class county Chairs is also currently unknown. Once we have more clarity on the timeline, I will of course write to you all again to outline the next steps.

With best wishes,

David Jones, Chair, Gloucestershire Cricket


To read Sir Andrew Strauss's High Performance Review, complete with a set of recommendations for First-Class county Chairs to vote on, click here

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