Developing as a coach and becoming a dad: Tom Smith Blog

15 January 2015

As well as working hard on his own game, Gloucestershire spinner Tom Smith has been keeping busy this winter coaching the next generation of county spinners.

He has also had his hands full following the birth of his first child - daughter Rosie.

Here is his account of the last few months...

A big part of my winter has been taken up with my daughter Rosie who was born on August 29 – my birthday - and the day of our RL50 quarter final against Kent.

I wasn’t expecting to be involved in the match but it was a big spinning wicket and JB (John Bracewell ) said if you are available you are definitely playing.

My wife was a few days overdue at this point but I spoke to her that evening and she said everything was fine. I then got a call around midnight saying the baby was on its way so I had to race home. Rosie was born at 5am and I then spent the afternoon keeping an eye on Cricinfo to see how we were getting on!

I have been very lucky as I had six weeks off at the end of the season and our days aren’t normally 9am-5pm so I have been around a lot more than most fathers get to be.

I have applied to do my Level 4 coaching badge and hopefully I will start that next winter. As part of that the club has given me a role as spin bowling coach working with the Academy, EPP (Emerging Players Programme) and some of the promising youngsters in the county youth set-up.

I am not sure whether coaching is something I will pursue after I finish playing but I really enjoy it and it keeps me busy during the winter. I am not naturally the biggest spinner of the ball and I have got here by hard graft and trying different things. I think this gives me a better insight into how to develop players than for someone who is more naturally talented and may get frustrated working with people who aren’t as natural.

It has been nice to work with spinners around the county and there are some good ones coming through including local lads George Haynes (Glos U17 and Downend) and Matt Brewer (Glos U14 and Bristol).

I feel I am developing a lot as a coach and I have learned a lot from the people I have worked with as a player, particularly JB and Richard Dawson in the last 18 months. You pick up different things from different people and I have tried to use these experiences to help me as a coach.

JB once said to me he tries to coach everyone the same at Gloucestershire individually, which is a slightly odd quote but has informed what I try to do. Even if I have a big group of 10-12 people I try to work with them all as individuals because they will all be at different stages on their timeline as a bowler.

A lot of lads have been sad to hear that John is leaving, as for a lot of them he has been their only coach. Having been at different clubs it is not as disruptive for me but I will be sorry to see him go.

However I would echo John’s comments in the press that as a squad we are young in age but not in terms of experience and it is time for us as to step up.

With Geraint Jones at the helm and a new coach it will be an interesting time and we are excited to see what the next few months bring.

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