Craig Relishing England Opportunity

5 November 2013

Craig Miles is looking forward to developing his huge potential as a fast bowler with the Potential England Performance Programme this winter.

Along with Somerset’s Craig Overton, Glamorgan’s Mike Reed, Northamptonshire’s Olly Stone and Tom Helm, of Middlesex, Craig has been selected as one of the PEPP fast bowlers, who will undertake intensive strength and conditioning sessions ahead of a trip to South Africa.

They will then spend three weeks in Potchefstroom in February doing concentrated bowling under the guidance of experienced county professionals Neil Killeen, Graeme Welch and Glen Chapple.

For Craig the trip is reward for a tremendous breakthrough season into LV=County Championship cricket this summer.

At the age of just 19, he claimed 43 first class victims at an average of 30.58. Only Will Gidman took more wickets for Gloucestershire.

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