Craig And Liam Sign Extended Deals

16 September 2013

Craig Miles (pictured) and Liam Norwell have committed their futures to Gloucestershire by signing significantly extended contracts.

Miles, who has taken 43 first class wickets this season at an average of just over 30, is now tied to the club until the end of the 2017 season.

Director of Cricket John Bracewell describes the 19-year-old seamer, from Swindon, as “the best Under-20 bowler in the country.”

Norwell, whose season has been affected by injury, has penned a new deal up to and including the summer of 2015.

He told this website: I am delighted to commit my future to Gloucestershire.  This is great team to play for.

“My thanks go to all the coaches for giving me the opportunity to continue playing with the squad and I look forward to helping to bring success back to the club.”

Craig Miles said: "I'm delighted to sign and extend my contract at Gloucestershire. I am excited to be part of a team that has the potential to be successful over the next couple of years"

John Bracewell commented: “What fantastic news to have extended Craig’s contract.  He is without doubt the best Under-20 bowler in the country.

“With time and effort, Craig will undoubtedly play at the highest level.  We must and will provide that support.

“Liam Norwell has had his problems with injuries and we need to get him on the park more, But we recognise his potential as a wicket-taker and will continue to help him overcome the fitness issues.”

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