Cotswold & North Wiltshire Region - Autumn Lunch

28 September 2024

Cotswold and North Wiltshire Regional Committee will once again host an Autumn Lunch, in support of The Club’s regional community projects.


When: Friday 01 November 2024, 12pm arrival for 12:30pm start.

Where: Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester

Guest Speaker: Richard Gould - CEO of ECB & former CEO of Bristol City AFC, Surrey CCC and Somerset CCC.

Tickets: £55 per person to include reception drink and three course meal.

Booking arrangements: Please call The Club Office on 0117 910 8017 to pay with debit or credit card. Deadline for booking and payment is Friday 25 October.

Dress Code: Suit or Blazer & Tie


Help required:

The Region would welcome other Club members within its area, who are keen to support the Club’s Academy and emerging players, to come forward to fill vacancies on its committee and help organise activities and events.

How can I get involved? Contact Bill Griffin on


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