Clarke Willmott renews support for Gloucestershire

7 March 2013

Gloucestershire County Cricket Club and national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP have agreed a new sponsorship package covering the 2013 season. The deal extends a relationship that began in 2009.

This year’s deal will see Clarke Willmott’s logo continue to appear on the collar of the team's playing shirts for all LV= County Championship and Yorkshire Bank 40 matches in the English cricket season, plus other branding at Gloucestershire CCC’s Nevil Road home ground in Bristol. Other sponsors of the club for 2013 include Total, Brewin Dolphin, Sitec and the University of Gloucestershire.

Tom Richardson, chief executive of Gloucestershire Cricket, said of the latest sponsorship: "We have a long-standing professional relationship with Clarke Willmott and we are delighted they will be a shirt advertising sponsor for the coming season. We look forward continuing to work with them and growing the relationship.”

Kevin Jones, Clarke Willmott's head of office in Bristol, added: “This sponsorship further cements our excellent relationship with Gloucestershire Cricket.  The club has long paid a huge part in Bristol’s sporting life and it’s wonderful to be involved. We wish everyone at the club all the best for the coming season.”

Confirmation of the sponsorship comes as Gloucestershire CCC pushes ahead with its redevelopment of the County Ground at Nevil Road. Work on a new-look pavilion and state-of-the-art media centre and business centre are already under way and due for completion this summer, and a new stand with 5,000 permanent seats will be built ready for the England v India one day International in 2014.

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