Gloucestershire players visit children's hospital

19 December 2019

Gloucestershire players paid a special visit to a local children’s hospital on Wednesday, celebrating the festive season and delivering some gifts.

Eight Gloucestershire players made the special delivery of presents to the kids at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Alan Andrews, Community Liason Co-ordinator at John Lewis and Partners was also in attendance, having made a generous donation towards the gifts.

The team visited the Starlight, Meadow and Apollo 35 wards among others, chatting and having fun with the children along the way. Many of these children will spend the holiday period in hospital instead of being at home with their families celebrating. Hopefully the time spent with the players sharing in the Christmas spirit helped bring a little festive joy. 

George Hankins, who was comfortably beaten in a game of FIFA by Dan in the Apollo 35 ward said: 

"It was an amazing afternoon being able to put smiles on children's faces at a very difficult time. Being able to go in and give out some presents meant a lot to them and their families. It was a rewarding experience for all the guys who came along and we couldn't help smiling throughout. 

All the boys enjoyed being Santa Claus for the day and making Christmas time more special for these families."

Everyone from Gloucestershire Cricket would like to wish the children and hardworking staff at the hospital a Merry Christmas.



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