28 March 2016
Gloucestershire Exiles popular event will take place this year on Wednesday 20 July, the first day of Gloucestershire's Specsavers County Championship match against Leicestershire, in a dedicated marquee. Play starts at 11.00am.
Tickets, to include morning coffee, a buffet lunch and afternoon tea, are £34 each, unchanged from last year. There will also be a pay bar.
The function will take place whatever the weather. Tickets do not include the price of ground admission, if appropriate.
The event is always an enjoyable social occasion and we look forward to seeing as many members and their guests as possible. To obtain tickets, please send a cheque for the appropriate amount, made payable to Gloucestershire Exiles, to Ian Herdman, 46, Conifer Crest, Wash Common, Newbury, Berks RG14 6RT. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your tickets.
For further details, please contact Ian on 01635-42284.