Calling all Exiles! Meet the players this summer

14 April 2015

Take a look at the two events coming up for the Gloucestershire Exiles which includes a Meet The Players evening and also the Exiles Day at the Brewin Dolphin Cheltenham Cricket Festival.

Meet The Players, Sunday 28 June.

The Gloucestershire squad will be joining the Exiles for an evening meal after close of play on day 2 of the Championship match against Surrey. The event is at the Archbishop Tenison's School, just across the road from the Oval. Ticket price is £29.50 to include a 2-course hot meal and tea or coffee with a cash bar. The function will take place irrespective of the weather or state of play. This is an excellent chance to meet and mingle with the players on a relaxed social occasion.

For tickets, please send your cheque made payable to Gloucestershire Exiles to  event organiser Jon Paine at 36, Kent Gardens, Ealing, London W13 8BU. A stamped, self addressed envelope should be included for reply. Jon's e mail is

Brewin Dolphin Cheltenham Cricket Festival Exiles Day, Wednesday 15 July.

This ever popular event will be held on the opening day of the LV= County Championship match against Leicestershire in a dedicated marquee. Ticket price is £34 to include tea/coffee/biscuits on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon tea and cakes. There is also a pay bar. The function will take place irrespective of the weather.

Tickets are obtainable from Ian Herdman, 46, Conifer Crest, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6RT. Tel: 01635 42284. Please make cheques payable to Gloucestershire Exiles and enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope. Ian's e mail is

To find out more about the Exiles, click here

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