An update from Acting Chair Steve Nelson

25 June 2024

I’d like to start by thanking everyone who attended last Tuesday’s meeting at the Seat Unique Stadium and also signpost two important Member meetings to be held in the coming months.

It was good to hear a range of opinions and questions last week relating to the future of the Club we all share the same love for. While the meeting was primarily a finance-focused update for Members, it was quite apparent that many of you wanted to discuss the Board’s long-term vision for Gloucestershire CCC.

I’d like to invite Members to a further meeting at the end of play on day three of the County Championship match against Sussex at the Seat Unique Stadium on Thursday 19th September (exact timings to follow in due course). Everyone at Gloucestershire is working extremely hard and the Board will be pleased to report on the Club’s latest financial forecasting as well as our long-term vision for our beloved Gloucestershire during that meeting. We firmly believe the Club has a bright and positive future in which we can thrive on and off the field, and central to this vision is that we remain a membership club with members at our heart.

Turning to cricket, there’s lot to be excited about, most of all the impact Mark Alleyne has had on the playing group and their performances across all formats. I hope all of you enjoyed the impressive win at home to Somerset, coming off the back of a thrilling last-ball victory at Glamorgan. The team have made a good start to the Vitality Blast campaign and sit in fourth place in the County Championship standings.

On Sunday we open the prestigious Towergate Cheltenham Cricket Festival. It’s always a great pleasure to see so many friendly faces at Cheltenham and I know everyone connected with the Club is hugely excited about this year’s festival. It’s especially pleasing to see a bumper schedule of events planned this year which includes the annual Cheltenham Cricket Members’ Forum. This will take place in the Hub during lunch on day three of our County Championship match against Glamorgan on Tuesday 2nd July and is open for all Members to attend.

We all know too well that some things are much bigger than cricket, and everyone at Gloucestershire was devastated to hear of the Club’s former player and current President, David Lawrence’s diagnosis with Motor Neurone Disease. Anyone who knows Syd will agree he is a fighter and will face his diagnosis head on. I’m sure all Members will join me in sending our best wishes to David, his wife Gaynor and their loved ones.

We are looking forward to enjoying the remainder of this season with you and are incredibly grateful for the continued support of our loyal Members.
Yours sincerely,

Acting Chair, Steve Nelson

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