Academy players set for the season after successful winter programme - with video

27 March 2015

Gloucestershire Cricket’s Academy players are set to hit the ground running following a successful winter training programme.

Seven of the squad’s 10 players have been working with Academy director Owen Dawkins (pictured) in Bristol while three – Joe Barrett, Marc Lezar and Brandon Gilmour have spent the close season playing club cricket in New Zealand.

Ten of the current Gloucestershire first team squad have come through the club’s Academy set-up and Owen says he hopes the current crop will follow in their footsteps.

He said: “The players have worked well during the winter and it is exciting to be moving to the start of the season. There is excellent competition within the squad and it is now up to the players to push for places in the Academy team and up into the Second XI through their performances in matches.

“The likes of Craig Miles and Matt Taylor made their first team debuts while on the Academy so it just shows what can be achieved.”

The Academy squad has spent the winter working alongside youngsters from Gloucesterhire’s Emerging Players Programme – which is for players slightly younger than those on the Academy – and talented youngsters from the surrounding minor counties.

Owen says the players have also benefited from the opportunity to train with the club’s professional players during the build-up to the new season.

He said: “It has been great to have some of our players training with the pro squad and they have really benefited from the experience. It was also excellent to be able to use the tent on the square, especially for the bowlers as they could come in off their full run-ups and get used to bowling on grass.”

During the close season the Academy players can train for up to 30 hours a week through their work with the Gloucestershire coaches, fitness staff and sessions with their schools and clubs. As well as developing their cricket skills they also focus on the tactical, physical and mental sides of the game and lifestyle management.

These are the main subject areas covered in an Apprenticeship of Sporting Excellence that four players on the Academy squad - Patrick Grieshbaer, George Hankins, Callum Gregory and James Turpin are currently undertaking. The ECB course – which can count towards University qualification – helps prepare players for a life in professional cricket with classes on everything from managing their money to dealing with the media.

To watch a video of the Gloucestershire Academy squad in training click below.

The Gloucestershire Cricket Academy is sponsored by L&M Property Lettings Ltd


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