A statement from Alex Gidman
23 July 2013
A statement from Alex Gidman, Gloucestershire County Cricket Club – 23 July 2013
Further to the statement made by the Club’s Chief Executive, Tom Richardson, in response to the article that appeared on the “This is Gloucestershire” website on 20 July which was published following a streak performed by Daniel Butcher during our recent LV=CC match v Worcestershire, I would like to make clear that what was written about me paying someone to streak at the Cheltenham Cricket Festival is categorically untrue.
Further to this, I have no recollection of ever meeting Daniel Butcher whilst at Wycliffe College and I would like to assure our members and supporters that his comment about me daring him to streak for a £100 bet is pure fabrication. Anyone who knows me would understand that this is something I would not do.