A personal statement from Alex Gidman

12 September 2014

I would like to thank everyone at Gloucestershire for the wonderful years I have had playing at the club.  All the coaches, in particular John, who have helped me develop over the years.  All the great players I have had the privilege of playing with and of course the supporters and members who have been there for me through thick and thin.

I have simply reached a point in my career where I feel that I need a new challenge and a different focus.  This game is mentally very challenging and I believe a new environment and fresh start is what I need at this stage of my career.

I’m excited and grateful to Steve Rhodes and Worcestershire for giving me this opportunity, I intend to take it with both hands and am looking forward to meeting and becoming part of a new group.

I wish everyone associated with Gloucestershire the very best of luck, the young team is extremely talented and I will enjoy watching their development from afar.

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