1973 Gillette Cup-winning Gloucestershire legends celebrated at Former Players Day

11 June 2023

During the lunch break on day one of Gloucestershire’s County Championship fixture with Leicestershire, members of the 1973 Gillette Cup-winning side marked the 50th anniversary of their success at the Club’s annual Former Players Day.

Organised by Andy Brassington, Gloucestershire members and fans were treated to an impromptu question and answer session with Glos legends who played at Lord’s in that memorable final 50 years ago.

In attendance were Mike Procter, Zaheer Abbas, David Graveney, Andy Stovold, Jack Davey, Jim Foat and also Roy Swetman, who featured in the early rounds of the tournament and is the oldest living former player.

The group also posed in front of the actual trophy they won that day, with the Gillette Cup making a rare appearance away from its home at the MCC Museum, Lord’s Cricket Ground.

The Gillette Cup will remain in Bristol for the rest of this season and will be on display alongside other exhibitions in the GCCC Heritage Trust Museum.

From left to right: Roy Swetman, Andy Stovold, Mike Procter, Jack Davey, Jim Foat, Zaheer Abbas, David Graveney.

Gloucestershire will be organising an anniversary dinner in the Bristol Pavilion to take place exactly 50 years on from the match on September 1st 1973.

The dinner will take place on Friday 1st September 2023 and the Club will publish more details on this event in the coming weeks.

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