Section: Ground Regulations

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Gloucestershire County Cricket Club - Ground Regulations

1. Gloucestershire County Cricket Club Ltd (the Club) management reserves the right of admission to the ground. On no account will admission be granted to a person who is subject to a current ban.

2. All persons entering the ground are only admitted subject to these ground regulations and the relevant rules and regulations of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and International Cricket Council (ICC).

3. All matches will be played in accordance with the rules and regulations of the ECB and within the laws of the game.

4. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place on any particular day or at any particular time and the Club management reserves the right to change its advertised fixtures without notice and liability.

5. In the event of a match being postponed, cancelled or abandoned, any refund of the admission charge will be at the discretion of the Club management. Persons entering the ground are advised to retain their ticket stub and/or membership card as this may be required to be produced at a later date.

6. The Club management reserves the right to refuse admission to the ground, or to eject from the ground, any person who refuses to be searched by any steward, servant or agent of the Club or any Police Officer. Bag and person searching will take place on entry to the ground. Please do not leave bags unattended in any part of the ground.

7. The importation of alcohol, fireworks, flares, smoke canisters, glass vessels, poles, klaxons, megaphones, banners, ‘oversized’ headwear and sharp objects including knives is not permitted and any confiscated items will not be returned.

8. Musical instruments and other noise making devices will be confiscated where their continued use causes nuisance and annoyance to other spectators. Bands are prohibited without the prior written agreement of the Club management. Unnecessary noise such as that from radio sets  and behaviour likely to cause confusion or annoyance to any person is not permitted in any part of the ground.

9. Fancy dress which could be construed as offensive or which has the potential to cause injury, either to its wearer or other spectators or which may restrict the view of other spectators is prohibited.

10. In order to gain admission to areas of the ground reserved for members, persons should produce an appropriate membership card, pass or e-ticket when requested by a steward. Any person attempting to gain admission to, or being found within, a section of the ground designated for members only without the proper authorisation may be ejected from the ground.

11. Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter onto the playing area or any adjacent area to which spectators are not generally admitted.

12. It shall be a breach of the terms and conditions of entry to the venue for any ticket-holder to engage in any conduct (whether through the use of language, gestures or otherwise) which is likely to offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify any other person (including players, match officials or spectators) on the basis of their race, religion, culture, colour, descent, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status and/or maternity status. Such action will not be tolerated and is likely to result in ejection from the venue, the imposition of other sanctions, such as being banned from the venue in the future and possible further action including criminal prosecution.

13. Only persons specifically authorised in writing by the Club management are permitted to offer for sale, or distribute within the ground or on Club property any written material or other article.

14. Persons issued with a specific ticket for a seat must occupy that seat unless instructed otherwise by a steward or other authorised agent of the Club.

15. The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and like places is 
strictly forbidden, as is the climbing of floodlight pylons, stands and any other structure forming 
part of the ground.

16. Smoking is not permitted in any of the stands or covered areas within the ground. Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking areas. 

17. Any person attempting to enter the ground whilst drunk will be refused admission or being drunk within the ground will be ejected.

18. The importation of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

19. The consumption of alcohol is permitted only in the bars and other authorised places during the hours determined by the Club management.

20. With the exception of persons authorised by Club Management and Press Representatives holding official accreditation, the use of any cameras, mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment, for the recording, transmission or communication of match details, statistics, images etc, is not permitted. Filming, photography and broadcasting takes place during events at the Ground. All persons at the Ground give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness and voice in connection with the production, exploitation and advertising of the event without compensation or credit, throughout the world.

21. Any person found damaging or defacing the property of the Club will be ejected and may be prosecuted.

22. The riding of bicycles and scooters within areas to which spectators have access is prohibited.

23. The drivers of motor vehicles must comply with directional signs and park within marked spaces. The Club Management reserve the right to restrict vehicle movement at any time to permit safe spectator egress.

24. Persons bringing dogs into the ground do so at the discretion of the Club and must ensure their animals are kept under control and do not foul Club property.

25. Fires and barbecues are not permitted.

26. Any person failing to comply with instructions from a steward, police officer or other authorised agent of the Club, will be ejected from the ground.

27. All Minors of 14 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

28. Under no circumstances may any person at the ground use a mobile telephone, computer or other kind of communication device either;

(i) to communicate or in any way transmit any form of commentary, data or other material in relation to a cricket match taking place at the ground for any kind of improper betting or other corrupt or unlawful purpose; or

(ii) to conduct betting activity in a public pitch-facing part of the ground in a way which, in the Club’s (or its appointed nominee’s) opinion, otherwise brings the game or the Club into disrepute or which offends (or is likely to offend) other spectators.

Any person who is reasonably suspected by the Club (or its appointed nominees), of acting in breach of this provision unconditionally accepts and agrees that he/she will cooperate with any enquiries made by the Club (or its appointed nominees), including by providing their name and address, an explanation for their suspicious conduct, and/or agreeing that they may be  photographed and/or filmed by the Club (or its appointed nominees).

The person accepts that any such names, addresses, photographs and films may be shared between each of the ECB, all the other first class county clubs, relevant official cricket authorities and any relevant police and crime prevention authorities, for the purposes of any criminal investigations or proceedings, in connection with any investigation into a potential breach of domestic or international cricket anti-corruption rules and/or to enable the ECB and the other first class clubs to give reciprocal effect to any ban on entry which is subsequently imposed by the Club. Personal data collected under this provision will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.



Ground Regulations
By entering the cricket ground, the ticketholder agrees to abide by all of the Ticket Terms & Conditions and Ground Regulations of Gloucestershire CCC, which amongst other matters prohibits the importation of knives, cans and alcohol.

A copy of the ground regulations can be obtained on request. In the event of an emergency it may be necessary to evacuate the ground. Please follow directions of the steward in your area.

Please do not leave your bag unattended in any part of the ground. Should you require any help or assistance during your visit please contact the nearest steward.

The use of threatening behaviour, foul or abusive language, indecent or racist chanting or comment will not be tolerated.

The ticket will admit to the non-members’ area only. To gain entrance to the members’ enclosure club members must show membership cards. At GCCC’s discretion, visiting members may be allowed into the members’ enclosure.

Please be aware that under ground regulations GCCC has, for reason of spectator safety and comfort, reserved the right to impose a limitation on the amount of alcohol that can be brought into the ground on match days.

For International fixtures the importation of alcohol is completely banned by ICC Regulation. The ban will also extend to our Vitality Blast, One-Day Cup and County Championship matches.

Smoking is not permitted in the Stands and GCCC reserves the right to ban smoking in all seated areas during matches.


ECB – Pitchsider and Betting Policy
In relation to the cricket match taking place at the ground, spectators are not permitted to use a mobile telephone, tablet, laptop, computer or other kind of communication device to either (i) communicate or in any way transmit any form of commentary, data or other material, for any kind of betting or corrupt or unlawful purpose; or (ii) conduct continuous betting trading activity.

ICC Anti-Discrimination Policy
It shall be a breach of the terms and conditions of entry to the venue for any ticket-holder to engage in any conduct (whether through the use of language, gestures or otherwise) which is likely to offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify any other person (including players, match officials or spectators) on the basis of their race, religion, culture, colour, descent, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status and/or maternity status. Such action will not be tolerated and is likely to result in ejection from the venue, the imposition of other sanctions, such as being banned from the venue in the future and possible further action including criminal prosecution.

Please note that the use of any cameras, mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment, for the recording, transmission or communication of match details, statistics, images etc, is not permitted other than with the proper accreditation.

Filming, photography and broadcasting takes place during events at the Grounds. All persons at the Grounds give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness and voice in connection with the production, exploitation and advertising of the event without compensation or credit, throughout the world.

Under no circumstances may any person at the ground use a mobile telephone or other kind of communication device to communicate or in any way transmit any form of commentary, data or other material in relation to a cricket match taking place at the ground for any kind of improper betting or other corrupt or unlawful purpose.

Any person who is reasonably suspected by GCCC (or its appointed nominees), of acting in breach of this provision unconditionally accepts and agrees that he/she will cooperate with any enquiries made by GCCC (or its appointed nominees), including by providing his/her name and address, an explanation for his/her suspicious conduct, and/or agreeing that he/she may be photographed and/or filmed by GCCC (or its appointed nominees).

The person accepts that any such names, addresses, photographs and films may be shared between each of the ECB, all the other first class county clubs, relevant official cricket authorities and any relevant police and crime prevention authorities, for the purposes of any criminal investigations or proceedings, in connection with any investigation into a potential breach of domestic or international cricket anti-corruption rules and/or to enable the ECB and the other first class clubs to give reciprocal effect to any ban on entry which is subsequently imposed by GCCC.

Personal data collected under this provision will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Any person who is reasonably suspected to be in breach of this provision accepts that he/she may be immediately ejected from the ground (without any financial or other compensation) and prohibited from entering the ground and any other cricket ground under the control of either the ECB or any first class county club for life or such other period of time as GCCC deems appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Should you have any further questions relating to the information contained on this page please e-mail: or call on 0117 910 8000.

This page was updated on: 07/07/2024



Section: Ground Regulations

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